Health and Wellbeing Board

20 September 2023

Report of the Manager, Healthwatch York


Healthwatch York Report: “I want to know, I want a diagnosis, I want help” - Pilot Pathway for Autism and ADHD: Independent evaluation August 2023


1.           This report is for the attention and action of Board members, sharing a report from Healthwatch York which shares local experiences of adults seeking an Autism and / or ADHD diagnosis in adulthood during the piloting of a new pathway.


2.           Healthwatch York provides information and advice about health and care services, signposts people to support, and listens to their experiences when accessing health and care services. Through Connecting our City, we have been involved with work to explore support available to those with a diagnosis of ADHD and Autism. As part of this, we heard about the plans for piloting a new pathway for diagnosis. We agreed, in response to public concern, to complete an independent review of the pilot.


3.           We also worked with partner organisation York Disability Rights Forum and encouraged those working in health and care to share their view.



4.           In producing this report, we shared a survey for people who were going through the pilot pathway, we co-hosted two drop-in focus groups with York Disability Rights Forum, one online and one in person, and we recorded the experiences and concerns of those who contacted our information and advice service.



5.           There are two sets of recommendations within this report set out on pages 10.


6.           There are no specialist implications from this report.

·                     Financial

There are no financial implications in this report.

·                     Human Resources (HR)

There are no HR implications in this report.

·                     Equalities  

There are no equalities implications in this report.

·                     Legal

There are no legal implications in this report.

·                     Crime and Disorder

There are no crime and disorder implications in this report.

·                     Information Technology (IT)

There are no IT implications in this report.

·                     Property

There are no property implications in this report.

·                     Other

There are no other implications in this report.

Risk Management

7.           There are no risks associated with this report.


8.           The Health and Wellbeing Board are asked to:

i.       Receive Healthwatch York’s report, “I want to know, I want a diagnosis, I want help” - Pilot Pathway for Autism and ADHD: Independent evaluation August 2023.

ii.     Confirm the best avenue for further consideration of this matter.

Reason: To keep up to date with the work of Healthwatch York and be aware of what members of the public are telling us.



Contact Details


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Siân Balsom


Healthwatch York

01904 621133


Report Approved








Wards Affected:  All






For further information please contact the author of the report




Annexe A – “I want to know, I want a diagnosis, I want to help”, Pilot Pathway for Autism and ADHD; Independent evaluation August 2023.